
  • Wheeling And Dealing

    Starting a weekly post for new arrivals, online wheeling and dealing, new fashions to come over the next month, slogging through new postings, sorting family photos.
  • Getting The Ball Rolling

    Making real progress with the online store, starting the healthy dinner plan, completing the journey of the final U-Box, looking forward to wrapping up Mother's home sale process.
  • One House Down...

    Wrapping up the moving sale and house closing, a financial setback at home, looking forward to a "normal" schedule, preparing to expand the product lines, things are going well in Scottsdale.
  • A Bumpy Ride

    Happy to be back in Mount Prospect after a rocky experience, final preparations for our return home and clear out of more moving sale items, ready to offer lots of great "new" jewelry next week, redirecting the blog to its original intent.
  • The Last Hurrah (For Now)

    The last vintage Native American jewelry purge for now and the last full week in Scottsdale, introducing Kuochun to some old-school American food, posting and selling jewelry online, making plans to get identification for the trip home.
  • It's U-Box Time Again

    Packing the U-Box to head home for the moving sale, bringing final items to the apartment, moving belongings to the first floor bedroom, powering through the jewelry stash, making plans for the final two weeks in AZ this season.
  • Adventure In Cave Creek

    First AZ road rage incident, making an awesome store connection, visiting a new town for the first time and discovering a treasure trove of thrift and consignment stores and a gem of a restaurant, preparing more pieces to send to the jewelry caravan, moving into the homestretch of sending items home for the moving sale.
  • A Tale Of Two Pockets

    Spending too much time on one jewelry lot, two "pocket" restaurants in one week, final trip for donuts before we go, drastic idea to stay out of the house cleaner's way, completing the bulk of the apartment move, receiving bad jewelry news.
  • The Big Move & The Big Sale

    Accomplishing the U-Box move to the apartment and the real estate sale in the same day, planning the moving sale and return home date, completing the process to be able to start live selling, switching gears and working on some "new" jewelry.
  • In The Home Stretch...

    Kuochun's return safely home, back to weekly jewelry purges, posting a few special items from the personal collection, in the home stretch preparing Arlington Heights for sale and the big move to the Scottsdale apartment.
  • On The Road Again...

    Completing our homework to prepare Mother's home for sale, smoothly making it through tax time, bringing a jewelry project which has been on the backburner to the forefront, Kuochun's return is right around the corner.
  • A New Chapter

    Mother's life-changing news and the start of the preparation which goes along with it, spice up your Apple Watch with some new arrival watch tips, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel anticipating Kuochun's return.