
  • A New Chapter

    Mother's life-changing news and the start of the preparation which goes along with it, spice up your Apple Watch with some new arrival watch tips, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel anticipating Kuochun's return.
  • Easter 2024 (?)

    A rare Easter washout in Phoenix, continuing to purge vintage Native American jewelry, resurrecting the Windy City Jewelry Etsy shop, slogging through a challenging schedule.
  • Wearing Of The Green

    Posting back to back jewelry purges, organizing the jewelry in preparation of tackling the to do pile, transitioning to new dog food, trying to curb reactive dog behavior, adjusting to a different schedule.
  • Heard Museum Indian Market 2024

    Experiencing the best of the best at the Heard Museum Indian Market, sending Kuochun off to China, completing the new Native American jewelry postings online.
  • A Milestone Day

    Celebrating a very special milestone birthday in the family, making a plan for new jewelry photos, posting beautiful new pieces online, discovering a local version of a favorite TV show.
  • Garage Sale Is In The Rearview Mirror

    Garage sale completion marks the end of Arizona events for the season, making plans for remaining items, looking forward to sharing new jewelry pieces.
  • The Blur Before The Garage Sale

    Paperwork break has come to an end, steady estate sale business for a "slow" month, preparing for the community garage sale, giving a couple of "new" restaurants a try, posting the second of four jewelry lots with special pieces.
  • Tucson 2024 Wrap-Up

    Final leg of the Tucson trip, right back to the usual schedule, first dental cleaning for our dogs, first jewelry purge in nearly three months.
  • Tucson 2024 & More

    Heavy schedule leading up to Tucson trip, Gem Show shopping and dining recap, road trip to Tubac.
  • So Much For Resolutions!

    The cookie town that is Phoenix and the temptation that is Costco, pop-up sale run, first farmer's market visit of the season, statement ring clearance sale.
  • Welcome 2024!

    Holiday dining recap, making progress on the vintage Native American jewelry collection, knocking a project off my to-do list with positive results, visiting a local flea market and unique restaurant, investing in a new piece of exercise equipment.
  • December Wrap-Up

    December restaurant and event round up, booking the Tucson Airbnb, putting the long-awaited therapy plan into action, work plan for the holiday break.